If you worry about needed dental procedures, whether you’re concerned about discomfort, injections, or the overall experience, the Anderson Dental team wants you to know that we understand how you feel.
Unfortunately, dental anxiety is all too common, with as many as 8 out of 10 American adults experiencing it in some form. One of the most effective ways to alleviate dental anxiety is the appropriate form of sedation during treatment.
At Anderson Dental in Champaign, IL, we offer two forms of sedation dentistry, both of which are safe options. With nitrous oxide sedation, you inhale an odorless and colorless gas which encourages you to feel relaxed and somewhat detached with little aftereffects. Our dentists also offer conscious sedation, where you take an oral medication with similar effects to nitrous oxide but with more impact.
We Ensure Your Safety with Sedation Dentistry in Champaign
In either case, we apply numerous practices to enhance safety.
- Assess your existing health condition to ensure you’re a good candidate.
- Monitor you during treatment to ensure the appropriate level of sedation.
- Ensure you recover from sedative effects before leaving our Champaign, IL dental office.
We also encourage open dialogue so that you feel comfortable with your sedation selection.
If you think sedation dentistry will help solve your dental anxiety, we encourage you to contact our dentist office for a consultation and appointment today.